Friday, August 12, 2011


I know, I haven't made a post in FOREVER but I plan to start back as I am getting back to taking pictures again. After the tornado that destoryed my home town Tuscaloosa, I just had alot more going on and put the blog on hold. I did get out the day after the storm and take a few pictures. I will share some with you and be looking for more post. My HANDSOME nephew has his 1st birthday next weekend so I am taking some pictures of him tomorrow and can't wait to share them. For now, here are some storm pictures.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

birthday girl

Well tomorrow is the big day, i will being 23 years old. I can't believe it. I still remember my 7th birthday day.. I remember playing in my grandmothers yard waiting for my family to all come over to eat pizza and cake. I have videos of my 6th and 7th birthday and i cherish them so much. I haven't watched the videos in a couple years and it is about time to! In the videos, it was all the SIMPLE things that made me so happy. I loved puzzles and on my 6th birthday I got a Little Mermaid puzzle. It was my favorite disney movie and still is. I even named my dog Ariel. That puzzle made me so happy when I got it and so did just sitting there eating with my family and getting all the attention.

Tomorrow, I am going to sleep in little late, then go get a mani/pedi, and then go buy me a new purse and jeans. then I am going to eat with my family and boyfriend at my favorite place, O'Charleys. They have the BEST strawberry daiquiris!!! Then my family is coming over to eat cake. My mom ordered me a oreo ice cream cake with a fudge layer in the middle from Dairy Queen and it is going to me A-MAZ-ING!!!!!!! It is like the same thing as the oreo blizzard the have but made into a cake. Never tried the blizzard before but I love cookie n cream. I saw a cake there just like the one my mom ordered and i know it will be great.

I can not wait to have some "me" time tomorrow and spend time with my family. To this day, it is the simple things i enjoy the most. I will add pictures of everything from my birthday on Friday!!! Hope everyone has a blessed rest of the week!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

so sorry I haven't made a post in a few days. I know I promised you pictures but truth is, I have been so sick, I haven't been able to do any shoots. I plan to reschedule them for this week or next. My birthday is on Thursday so it might have to be next week since i will be spend time with family and going out to eat a few times. I first need to get well because I have been so sick and stuck in the house for over 2 weeks now. My knee is feeling somewhat better.. I still have some pain but not as bad as it was. I am so ready to feel better, celebrate my birthday, and do some photos!! I did get outside last week for less than 10 mins and got a REALLY cute picture of my pup that I want to share. I hope you like it. it is straight from the camera, I haven't even edited it or anything.

I caught her in mid yawn. She is a mess!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and i'll try to post tomorrow. My dad is coming over and we are going to plant some flowers in my flower bed. I will make sure to take pictures to share with yall. Make sure you take the time to follow me, I would love for you to!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

feeling under the weather

Today has been horrible. I woke up with my whole entire body aching and my knee felt like it did the day of the surgery. My throat is killing me and I am afriad I have strep thoat. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was lazy all afternoon. I ended up not going to Physical Therapy.. I just couldn't get up that early but I did go to my doctor appointment and got my stitches removed. He said everything looks good and I had great movement in my leg and said I didn't have to go to Physical Therapy if I didn't want to as long as I kept up the good work. I felt like I had hit the jackpot.. because to be honest, it SUCKS!

On a different note, I have a busy weekended ahead. I have three photo shoots and I can not wait to share some of the pictures with you all. I just pray the weather works in my favor because I am really looking forward to it. I am just blessed to have some wonderful people that will allow me to shoot them for more experience. One of the people I am shooting is my very dear friend Brittany who just had a baby girl Turner McCartney and she is letting me come over to her house Saturday and take pictures of her. She is seriously the prettiest babyI have ever seen. I can't wait to see what I can do. TM is going to make my job so easy. Also, on Sunday, I am doing some pictures of a little girl with a real bunny rabbit for Easter. It is going to be such a fun shoot. I am offer photo shoots with a real bunny for anyone who wants them for Easter. Email me if you or anyone you know is interested.

Make sure to check back on Sunday and see all the sneak peeks from each shoot this weekend. I promise not to disappoint. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday.. Just one more full day until Friday. WOOHOO!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

my blog hates me

apparently my blog hates me!! I know I am overreacting but my pictures I posted yesterday didn't show up. I even deleted the first post and redid it and no luck. I sent a text to one of my very dear friends who blogs too and she is actually the reason I wanted to make a blog because hers is awesome and I love reading it.. poor thing, she probably thought I was crazy for being upset about pictures not working right. I just wanted them to work.. it is probably my OCD. lol! Atleast if you click the white box, it will show the picture then. Today wasn't the best for me. My knee has been killing me and since surgery Tuesday, after 5pm every afternoon I randomly get nauseated, a fever, and then I get sick. It is pretty gross. Nick said he has never seen someone get so sick so fast because one moment I will be fine and then the next not so much. I have been laying on a VERY comfortable blow up bed in the living room since surgery and I have a small, cute trash can sitting right next to the bed. I know you wanted to know all about this.. you're so very welcome. Beside from being sick though, I have been in so god awful pain. I seriously feel like I have a needle/knife sticking in my knee. I get sudden shooting pain too. I try not to take pain medicine unless I have to have it but last night I took some at like 9pm and slept all night without any and when I got up this morning, I regretted going so long without meds. My mom came to get me today to get me out of the house for a little while for me to get some fresh air and I went by sonic and got a hot fudge sundae. It was amazing but I then got sick. Figures!

I go the physcial therapy in the morning. PLEASE pray for me, because 7am is just too early. It should be against the law. Then I go back to my doctor at 2:45 to get my stitches removed and for him to see why my knee is so swollen, I just hope it isn't like infected or anything. !

Anyway, I will stop overreacting about everything and get off here. Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Hey all, hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday. I have been stuck in bed since Tuesday when I had my knee surgery. Don't get me wrong, I am so lazy but after spending almost a week in bed, I am tired of being lazy.. if that is even possible? I have to keep my knee elevated for a few more days and on Tuesday I have to be at first appointment for Physical Therapy at 7:00 am. If you know me well, you know I am not a morning person.. I am not sure how I am going to make it to this appointment but I HAVE to since I was suppose to go Friday but cancelled it :)

I had surgery on Tuesday and that same day I allowed my mom and Nick to do everything for me but I am so dang hard headed that by Wednesday I was walking around the house all day on my crutches. Nick was so good to me and would offer to do everything for me but I felt bad because he was actually at home too because he was sick. He actually ended up at the ER on Wednesday morning and was diagnosed with Diverticulitis. Bless his heart, he loves peanuts so much and now he can't eat them. He had eaten a big bag of peanuts the previous Sunday and that is what made him so sick. I will say though I kind of regret walking around on my knee because today my incisions are very swollen. They are so swollen I have actually had one that kept bleeding. I'm just ready to go back to the doctor and get these stitches removed.

So, I thought I'd make a post and share some really pretty pictures I took outside last week. I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

first blog post

So, this is my first blog post. I am so excited to make a blog where I can show off my work and also where I can send my clients to look at my work. I plan to post "sneak peeks" on this blog and a little story behind the shoot each time I do one. This way a client can see a few pictures and see what to expect when I get done with editing all their pictures. Plus, I want all my "bloggy" friends to see what I am up to in my every day life ;) If bloggy isn't a word, I just made it one. Now to share my story of how I got into photography.

I have always had this little itch to do photography but I have always found myself infront of the camera. I have always loved to model and did beauty pageants growing up. It always consisted of taking pictures to enter in "most photogenic". When I was growing up, I was always told I had real potential at modeling. I loved modeling but I also noticed that I was alway coming up with ideas for a picture.. like I would tell the photographer "I think it would be cute if i did this and this". Anyway, I have been doing research on cameras for the past year. I had decide I wanted a Cannon but was still unsure of what kind. I even asked a couple photographer friends what kind they used. Of course, they all have used all kinds of cameras. I had finally decided on a camera but the price was $700 and it was going to take a while to save up to buy it. Well, on Thanksgiving, my dad and boyfriends mother came over and we all ate Thanksgiving together since we all didnt have plans this year. I decided I would cook my first turkey ever but that is a different story. :)

I had been wanting a new bedroom set for our bed and I heard Walmart had them on sale (for black Friday) so I went online and looked. They seriously have really nice bedspreads! I saw one exactly like I had in mind. I decided to drive to Walmart near my house at 9pm at night on Thanksgiving.. keep in mind, they were getting everything ready for black Friday. I got there, got a buggy and headed to the bedding. They ended up not having the brown bedspread that I was there to look at. I happen to look down and there was a sales paper in my buggy. I decided to look through it to see what kind of sales they were having because Nick and I needed some kitchen stuff. I was looking and on the 3rd page, there it was, the camera I had decided on buying, on sale for $450. Not only was it on sale for that cheap but it also came with a NICE lens, a good memory card, and a great carrying bag. My dad ended up getting me it for Christmas. I went and stood (and sat and laid) in line from 12am to 4am. The camera went on sale at 4am and they only had 4 of the camera I wanted but luckly, i was near the front of the line and was the first person to get one.

I started taking pictures as a hobby. I would take my sweet furbaby, Ariel (she is a chihuahua), out in the yard and take some pictures of her. I also took pictures of my sweet niece at Christmas and at her birthday party. I started to realize how much passion I had for photography. I found myself wanting to do it more than just for a hobby. I wanted to take pictures for a living and capture moments for people who wanted to always remember. My best friend Hue and Nick's friend since childhood, Jonathan, were getting married in March and we were both in the wedding as a bridesmaid and groomsmen. I asked Hue if she cared if I brought my camera with me to the wedding and took pictures of everything when I had a chance. Of course, she said yes, so I took a some pictures that turned out beautiful. I have gotten so many compliments on the photos. I made a post on facebook last month to see if I could get some volunteers to let me take some pictures of them to add to my portfolio and I am actually doing some shoots this week and weekend so look for a post with some pictures from the shoot. I am so excited to see where this takes me :)

Now I will share some photos with you from Jonathan and Hue Sharpe's Wedding

If you are interested in having your pictures done, please contact me for more information.. I would love to do your pictures. My email is